Thank you for your interest in Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. We are proud of providing over 75 years of academic excellence in Great Falls, Montana. Our Lady of Lourdes accept students during the course of the school year and you are welcome to call or email us to come for a DISCOVERY DAY! Please call Our Lady of Lourdes at 406-452-0551 to schedule a discovery day.

We are excited for you to join our school family! Below are a list of forms you will need to download or you can call the school office to request that we mail an informational packet. Please submit completed Registration Form (below) and the following forms to the school office. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School's district code for FACTS Management is OLL-MT.

If you have any questions regarding admissions, please call Kody Diekhans or Bekah Atkinson at Our Lady of Lourdes School at 406-452-0551


Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School was established in 1946 with the Ursuline Sisters as the first teachers. Offering preschool through eighth grade and extended care (daycare).

Tuition and Fees - Grades K through 8

First child in a family $3,800
Second child $2,850
Third child $1,900
Fourth child + $950

Pre-K Program for 4 & 5 year olds - *Must be 4 years old by 9/10/2024

Half Day Class 8:00-11:00am Monday - Friday - $270.00/mo
Full Day Class 8:00am-3:00pm Monday - Friday - $540.00/mo

Pre-School Program for 3 & 4 year olds - *Must be 3 years old by 9/10/2024

Full day program 8:00am-3:00pm:
*5 Days a Week: $540.00/mo
*3 Days a Week (M,W,F): $324.00/mo
*2 Days a Week (T,TH): $216.00/mo

Half day program 8:00am-11:00am:
*5 Days a Week: $270.00/mo
*3 Days a Week (M,W,F): $162.00/mo
*2 Days a Week (T,TH): $108.00/mo


Fr. Alphonsus Enelichi, Pastor 406-452-6464

Mr. Kody Diekhans, Principal 406-452-0551

Mr. Terry Flanagan, Assistant Principal 406-452-0551

Mrs. Bekah Atkinson, Development 406-452-0551

Mrs. Barbara Remus, Administrative Assistant 406-452-0551

Mrs. Corgan Bosley, Extended Care 406-452-0551

E-mails should be directed to